Sunday, March 7, 2010

Online Bible Study

I am very excited to have stumbled upon this online woman's bible study through a friend's blog. I am joining a bit late, but all the past videos are available online for me to catch up. With a busy schedule I sometimes struggle to find quiet time with God. This will be a fresh and encouraging way to do just that! If you are interested, here is session one:
Each session provides discussion questions for your blog.

Who is God to You?
This first session addresses the many ways in which we view God. Some see him as impersonal, others see him as simply a disciplinary figure, while others believe him to be sitting in heaven with a list of rules that must be obeyed. No matter how God might be viewed by man, this does not change who he is, and who he always has been. Who is God to me? He is the love that brings me joy daily, regardless of life's circumstances. He is my inspiration to live, and my source of fulfillment. He sustains my marriage, covering it with complete happiness. He blesses me daily with little to giant things-all the while granting me the satisfaction of this beautiful life.
So to answer this question I must say that, to me, God is everything.


  1. Hey I just saw you were doing this too! I fell a bit behind but I like the setup of having the blog study. This website is great too, I subscribe and there are great posts every day. I love your answer, that you see God in all the parts of your life and marriage. He is the one who gives all good things!

  2. Leigh, I'm glad I saw this on your blog! I too am falling a bit behind, but I am ejoying it none the less. Hope all is well with your beautiful family!!
