You know that moment? The one where you quietly walk downstairs...children asleep, house is quiet, victory is yours? You check your phone, promising yourself it will only be a quick glance, because you have so much to do. Then, it happens. They wake. And you swear it's only been 10 minutes...but really, you've gotten lost in the abyss that is your phone for THE WHOLE NAP TIME. And you try to justify...because in that time you read detailed instructions on how to crochet your children's faces onto pillow cases. Surely this is a skill that must be mastered. And yes, you will absolutely have time to make that doll house constructed of pipe cleaners (so eco-friendly!). And if you're not staring at your phone, you will spend half of nap time wandering around in circles planning what you will do to make every. moment. count. only to hear that dreaded cry and realize you are still thirsty, still hungry and are going on day 3 of no shower. So, if you are anything like me and need some direction, then read on. If not, I must become your friend so I can learn from your mommy unicorn brilliance.
How to Master the art of relaxation during nap time:
1. BEFORE you put your sleeping child down, please place your phone in a location that will not tempt you. Like your cupboard (it works!). It turns out I'm more like my baby than I realize. Can anyone say out of sight, out of mind?
2. Upon exiting child's room, assess basic needs. You really are more like your baby than you realize. You need someone there to tell you to EAT, go to the bathroom, bathe, or take a nap. Please, please, don't wait until later. There won't be a later (insert eye twitch).
3. Assuming you are well-fed, you may now choose from the following options-
-Nap- While this is the ultimate relaxation, it is a difficult choice. Similar to the phone, you will look up and feel like you've done nothing. But if you don't nap, you will ask "Whhhhyyy did I not nap when I had the chance???!!!"
-Bubble bath- Add a candle and it almost feels like you're cheating.
-Read a book or magazine- Many of us moms claim we don't have time to read a book, but really, if we put down our phones during nap time, we could read.
-Pray and journal-My personal favorite.
-Fill a mug with coffee or tea and go outside. Sit on your deck, breathe in the cool air. Read a book, pray..enjoy the silence! In the summer I love to bring my lunch and sit in the sun.
-Dedicate this time for a hobby or skill. I've been using nap time to teach myself how to play the guitar. Learn to knit, paint...something, anything!
-Give yourself a manicure/pedicure without the polishing. You'll feel pampered just to have filed your nails and exfoliated your feet! It's the little things.
-For those who aren't into baths, grab a cool bubbly drink (I like seltzer) and take a hot shower. There's something about the combination of steam and cold drink that make this feel like a vacation!
-Do a work out video-This feels like a huge indulgence!
If we want to teach our children to enjoy themselves without electronics, we will have to learn to do the same (no easy feat!). Electronics suck our time and leave us feeling often more drained. Put down that phone, turn off the tv and computer, and feel each moment of beautiful, blisful solitude.
-xoxo The mom next door
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