Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Now, I know I love babies. No secret. They're cute, they're cuddly...they're God's greatest gift. Nothing, however, could have prepared me for my first encounter with Sydney. Imagine if you will, the sweetest scent on earth, coupled with utter beauty. This child is something to be seen. Chad and Rachel should be the proudest parents ever. She looks like one of those porcelain dolls for sale in the magazine ads. Not only is she perfectly formed, but she doesn't make a peep (unless of course her little hiney touches the cool air to be changed..and, who can blame her for that). I also have to say that I am SO impressed with how laid back Chad and Rachel are. If that little Sydney Lou Who were my own (props to Jason for coming up with her nick name), I would be guarding her with my whole being. "Eh, you hold her", is more their style :). Way to go, guys. I believe I will schedule a meeting with Will to reevaluate our current family timeline plans.....haha jk.....but seriously....

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